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Infusion Set Assembly Machine

SMARTELL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. is professional in the production and development of syringes and infusion set production molds, machines and other necessary equipment. As a turnkey solution supplier,we have the whole syringe machine production line includes Syringe Barrel Printing Machine, Syringe Assembly MachineInfusion Set Assembly MachineSyringe&Infusion Set Packing Machine and so on.

The infusion set assembly machine is to assemble all parts of the infusion set parts automatically. There have the drip chamber assembly machine, flow regulator assembly machine, spike needle assembly machine, latex tube assembly machine, etc. The plastic parts of the infusion set are produced from the injection mold and plastic injection molding machine, and the PVC tube extruding machine. Some parts should prepare the ready items such as the latex tube and membrane and syringe needle. The automatic assembly machine will increase the production efficiency and less the human touch to the infusion set parts to meet the higher level standard of the project. The average assembly speed can reach 4000-6000pcs per hour and there has a detection device in each assembly machine to separate the qualified and unqualified products automatically. The production and machine trial running require the customer to prepare necessary samples of the IV infusion giving set.

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With over 16 years history till now, we have became professional in the production and development of syringes and infusion set production molds, machines and other necessary equipment.
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